
This section deals with traffic lights, general guidelines to be followed at intersections, the right of way, and some specific guidelines to be followed at roundabouts.

Traffic Lights

Traffic lights are provided to control the traffic at intersections. As a driver, it is important for you to know different types of signal lights and follow the signals accordingly to ensure safety at intersections.

Red Light

  • You should stop your vehicle when traffic light shows a red signal.
  • Stop your vehicle well before stop line.
  • Stop your vehicle in the same lane you intended to follow and do not shift to another lane to get ahead of traffic.

Yellow Light

If yellow light appears after green light then you should follow the instructions given below.

  • Yellow light gives time to clear the intersection if you have crossed the stop line. In such situation, you should not panic or increase the speed of the vehicle.
  • If you are behind the stop line, you should stop your vehicle when yellow traffic light is indicated. If yellow light appears after red light then start the vehicle engine and wait for the green light. You must not proceed until you see the green light.

Green Light

  • You should move smoothly when traffic light shows a green signal.
  • Do not tear through traffic on seeing green light.

Flashing Red Light

  • When there is only continuous flashing red, not green or red and regular signal operation is not continued at a traffic signal, then this sign is equivalent to a STOP sign.
  • When traffic light shows a flashing red light, you should come to a full stop and may proceed only when the road is safe and clear.

Flashing Yellow Light

  • When traffic light shows a flashing yellow light, slowing down is mandatory but stopping is not mandatory. You should slow down the vehicle and move carefully when you see a flashing yellow light.