“Speed Limit” and “Vehicle Control” Signs
Axle Load Limit
This sign is erected where entry is prohibited for vehicles with axle load exceeding specified limit as mentioned in the sign.
Height Limit
This sign is erected before an overhead structure where entry is prohibited for vehicles when height exceeds a certain limit as specified in the sign.
Load Limit
This sign is erected where entry is prohibited for vehicles whose laden weight exceeds a certain limit as specified in the sign.
Width Limit
This sign is used where entry is prohibited for vehicle whose width exceeds the limit as specified in the sign.
Maximum Speed Limit
This sign is located at the beginning of the section of the road or area covered by a speed restriction, with numerals indicating the speed limit in km per hour. In case of vehicle category specific speed limit, a symbol of
vehicle category accompanies such speed limit sign.
Restriction Ends
This sign indicates the point at which all prohibitions notified by prohibitory signs in the upstream section cease to apply.