Colours for Marking

Road markings can be of different colours. Most commonly used colours are white and yellow. Other colours that are being used for road markings include blue, green, and red/purple. These colours reflect light and will help you in all weather conditions. The use of white and yellow colour is shown below. Yellow colour markings are used to indicate restriction. For example, in the image below, it indicates the dividing line between two directions of traffic and tells you that while driving on one side of the road you cannot cross over the lane to the other side. It is also used in other areas such as no parking zones, no stopping zones, etc. The white colour markings used in the image below are (a) arrows, which tell you the direction in which you should drive; and (b) edge lines, which tell you that you shall cross those lines only for stopping in emergencies. The white colour markings are permissive in nature and not as restrictive as the yellow colour markings.

The other colours are meant for different purposes. For example, the blue colour is used to indicate separate lanes for public transportation, such as Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS). The green colour is used to distinguish the bicycle lanes from other lanes provided on the road. Red or purple colours will help you to understand the upcoming danger. The red colour is used at hazardous intersections where there is a large number of vehicles and pedestrians crossing each other.