Fracture is a crack or break in the bone. The different types of fracture are:
- Closed - bone is broken, but the skin is intact.
- Open - bone is broken, and skin is also broken.
- Complicated - broken bone damaged the underlying organ i.e. brain, liver and spleen.
Signs and Symptoms
There is generally a pain, swelling and loss of movement. There may be irregularity and crackling over the fracture site.
Steady the injured area and provide some support to reduce pain. You can immobilise the limb with a splint. In the case of open fracture, cover the wound with sterile gauze. In a closed wound, cold compression can be applied. Most of the fractures are associated with bleeding. So don’t try to push the fragment back to place unless you are well-trained, as this may lead to more complications. The most important action in any suspected fracture is the immobilisation of limb with the help of a splint.